Valkyries & Vinos

Crescent City HOSAB Episode 17: Chapters 46 - 48

Emily & Sam Season 7 Episode 17

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Welcome to House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas!

This week we are covering chapters 46 through chapter 48! Bryce and Hunt FINALLY do the deed and Bryce transports during. Sofie is dead and has carved symbols into arm...possible clue? Agent Day and Ruhn get in some mind to mind snuggle time and Tharion wants to take Sofie's body back to the River Queen. Back in Crescent City it doesn't seem like the Hind is hunting them for the moment.  When Hunt and Bryce are alone, Hunt asks her where Emile is......he's  with the Viper Queen!

Join us for some cheap wine AND cheap thoughts  as we deep dive into these chapters!

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